Single Subject Courses

Syraf Maritime Academy (SMA) outlined single subject lessons based on technical requirements of maritime and seakeeping industry for the sake of better resolution on current business space. The academy selected subjects of lessons imparted at MBA and DBA courses in the view of technical issues required for maritime companies and trade groups active in the fields of shipbuilding and repair yards, maritime service companies, shipping companies.

Syraf Maritime Academy (SMA) employed a unique policy upon collecting various lessons under courses of MBA, DBA and Mini MBA, rendering all lesson as a single subject study. This accomplishment may motivate participants to follow a single time table for the sake of further development on management skills. Relying on this method, if pupils pass the single subject course, such a fulfillment resembles with passing a long term course, at the end of which the learner will be regarded as alumni and would be honored by receiving the final certificate of the training course.


  • Enhancement of technical knowledge on applied science
  • Benefiting from experiences of instructors, entrepreneurs, and industry mentors
  • Using special discount and capacities of the academy
  • Proximity to the market and presence in recruitment database of human resources
  • The ability to collect all lessons and make it equivalence under a single course as MBA or DBA
  • Accessing to the latest information and articles of regarded topics
  • The ability to plan special organizational courses
  • Holding courses under approval of accredited national and international centers

دوره های

Management and Organization

48 hours+ 2 workshops

Management and Leadership

48 hours+ 2 workshops

B Environmental Analysis

32 hours

E-business Management

32 hours

Sales & Marketing Management

40 hours + workshop

Maritime Supply Chain Management

32 hours + workshop

International Maritime Law

32 hours+ workshop

International Economics and Trade

40 hours + workshop

Maritime Safety & Inspection

32 hours

مدیریت طراحی

Principle of Naval Architecture

32 hours

Repair Management

48 hours + 2 workshops

Principles of Commercial Shipping

32 hours+ workshop

Harbor Operation and Service

48 hours

Ports and Port-Maritime Quality

32 hours + workshop

Maritime Port Management

48 hours+ Workshop

Trade & International Logistics

40 hours+ workshop

Shipping Company Management

40 hours + workshop

Shipping Financial Management

40 hours+ workshop

International Trade law

32 hours + workshop


Advanced P. M. in Shipyards

48 hours+ workshop

Knowledge and Tech Management

48 hours+ workshop

Green & Sustainable Approach

48 hours + workshop